Stuck in the Muck!!!
Now, hold on, I know my friends are all expecting another post here but the timing has just not worked yet for it to be published. In order to not disappoint you all I have decided to share another one of those moments that God gave me--yet another incredible moment! Yup, stuck in the muck is what I have entitled it because that's what popped in my head. Hope you enjoy this one...
As I was driving to work this morning, I was thinking of all those normal "drive to work" sort of things. You know what I am talking about: Did I turn this off, will I remember to do such&such, don't forget to do this&that and most of all "Why do I have to be driving behind this particular person this morning...don't they know I just want to go...go...go?" Ha! Boy is that funny. Not laughing? Well, let me show you what I was stuck behind--I don't even know it's name!!!
I don't know what it's called. But I have named it "a vegetable sprayer" cuz that's what popped in my lil' head. Now this obviously isn't the one that I was driving behind, but you get the idea....this HUGE, OBNOXIOUS Beast was in my way...holding me back from getting where I wanted to go.... Uh, oh... I feel a spiritual application coming my way (and yours too!)

So, I study this machine that is so big and monstrous which SLOOOWWWWLLLYYY is in front of me and I ponder the height of its gigantic wheels. I size up the actual height of the wheels and the humongous gap of space between the road and the machine... The wheels are as tall as I am if I stood next to it--maybe even bigger. Hmmmm....If i had a convertible or my friend Jen's blue buggy, I so could squeeze under this OBNOXIOUSLY Huge piece of whatever it is...vegetable sprayer... and be in front of it and on my way. is a close-up of another picture of one of these machines w/its wheels I found to prove my point.
Then I start to think, "If I were in Erika's Audi, I would so quickly just jet around this thing in like 6th gear (that is if I had her Audi and could drive a stick!!!). Then I realized, there was just no safe way for me to get under this thing or around it. I would have to stay behind this "Vegetable Sprayer Thingie" and wait until it decided to remove itself from my path.
"I cannot make it any more simpler or clearer"
--Those were the words that I felt in my heart. I cannot explain it. Yet that is what I heard. So, I begin to think more on this. No matter what I choose to do, there will always be some BEAST in my way, slowing me down that I can't control, go under or quickly get around...I can only wait until the "Operator" removes the obstacle from my path.
I can only say that this machine was put there for me to see that sometimes I just have to wait and no matter what I try to do, I cannot control the circumstances or actions of others. I love so deeply how my Savior created my lil' mind--it's so simple yet so clear. I don't want to be "stuck in the muck" and I don't want to "die" trying to avoid it--I'll just have to wait :-)
2 Corinthians 4:18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
In "His Princess, Love Letters from Your King," Sheperd uses this verse to say: Princess, See what matters most!
Once again, He has opened my eyes in another way!
wow, I can't believe you don't know how to drive stick :) Nice perspective - using the temporal to see the spiritual! Well done...
Thank you for your post... it made my day!
i love it that you're always seeing the spiritual lesson in things...not sure I would have gotten beyond "get outta my way, Mr. Vegetable Sprayer Thingy!"!!!
Did you try honking your horn? :-)
Seriously though that was wonderful and I'm sure most of us can apply that spiritual lesson to our lives. I know I can :-)
Thank you all for even reading my "silliness" that I try to proclaim as "spirtual application"
I gave you an award!! Go to my blog to check it out. If you want to post it to your site, I will help you if you don't know how. God bless!
Just read your post. My husband is a farmer - you're on the right track. It IS a sprayer - no technical name for it.
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