...So Loved...

I am single. Yup. Still single. Now, here's the story:
Years ago, this was my "crowning glory" to make such a claim. That was because I chose not to settle and there were just so many wonderful options. I used to think, "Why choose just one? and I am too young to commit myself to insanity for the rest of my life. Why go thru the same mundane routine day after day w/the same person when there were over a billion other options." (Sad--but true--this was my thinking.) I never chased love, never was one of those girls that "cried and yearned" for a boyfriend. I had plenty of dates w/plenty of Mr. Could Be's and I enjoyed spending a little time w/lots of them. Now don't get me wrong, I definitely did intend to settle down, I was just looking for the one that "was strong enough to be my man" (you know the song!) and to be honest w/the world, "I was scared to death!"
So, I am still single--and it really hits ya when it's nearing your birthday and you find yourself gearing toward a year older and still single! I wondered, "did I miss my opportunity? Nah, God is bigger than me and He would've forced it to happen if it were supposed to have been already. " Then I asked myself, "Am I ok w/being single?" (I've asked myself this several times.) Following that I thought, "it would be so nice just to be loved." Then it all began..... God decided to teach me what it meant to be "So Loved" all while showing me how loved I am.
My birthday was the 3rd of August. Starting on Monday, July 30th, my birthday celebration began when I was taken out to P.F. Changs for dinner! Ooooh Yummy! :-) It was delectable. I had appetizers, main meal and the "WALL OF CHOCOLATE" for dessert. I got to share that w/3 of the most important people of my life--my friend--who keeps me sane and in touch w/reality--and my beautiful children! We followed this up by going to the movies and seeing "Ratatouille". This was a night filled w/a ton of love and a ton of laughter.
On Tuesday, the 31st, I had my softball championships. This was another great time of fellowship, fun, laughter and true love of friendship. My friends and I joked w/each other about the past year and just really enjoyed our "final" attempt at softball while winning our last game! The victory was not in the game itself (although did i mention we won?) but in the bonds that we shared and cherished. Another great time of fun, love and laughter.
On Wednesday, the 1st, I went to dinner w/another friend. I ordered the "Southern Fried Chicken Dinner" in hopes that it would taste like my grandma used to make it. The portion was plentiful and the mashed potatoes were ever so indulgently rich. I will never forget how I felt this night... I knew that my God was comforting my heart and He did so w/the "warmth of the memories that flooded my mind" thru my choice of "comfort foods." This was not a dinner-time of fun, laughter and joy but yet a God moment all in itself. My friend and I intensely discussed things of God and even studied them beyond dinner conversation. I enjoyed being challenged that evening. God allowed me to have dinner w/this particular friend so I could enjoy the company but most of all so I would know more about Him.
Thursday came (and it's still not my birthday), but another friend called and said, "Let me take you wherever you want to go." Sinbad's became the choice for this night. So, we headed off to Park Avenue and toured the neighborhood. We enjoyed a compilation of appetizers consisting of hummus, baba ganouch and dolmades (TRIPLE YUMMY!). We decided to partake in some delicious shrimp, artichoke, hot sauce sort of pizza w/feta and top it all off w/Lamb gyros. What more could you want--aside from baklava! Anyhow, again, my taste buds being so lavishly spoiled and tantalized--it makes for a great evening. We had some heart to heart chit chat, lots of giggles, toured a couple of other neighborhoods, laughed and I think I even cried that night. It was excellent--the friend, the food, the fun, the laughter. Wow, am I spoiled, I thought.
Friday was my official birthday and I was invited to breakfast w/another dear friend. Over my Belgian waffle w/whipped cream and strawberries, we laughed about what it was to be who we were and how the Lord had brought us there. We talked about how often my friend makes me cry--not because of who he is--but because of who HE is. We debated a couple of issues and discussed some scripture and then we were off our separate ways. It was another moment of precious fellowship.
I then went into work where I received a beautiful flower arrangement, some gifts, a handful of cards, an "edible arrangement" of fruit w/chocolate dipping sauce, and plenty of e-cards. I just had no idea what I was going to do at night. I knew there would be no party. Some friends had reserved me...just in case. But my "knight in shining armour" came thru. My Daddy! He called and said, just he and I were going to dinner--my choice of where I wanted to go. LOL....(I am running out of restaurants at this point I had already been to Brook House, PF Changs, The Arlington, and Sinbads....do I have more favorites?) So...off to Outback Steakhouse we go. I enjoyed being his "older little girl" as we drove around in the black on black convertible camaro while the sun beamed down to kiss my face and the wind blew and it tickled my nose! I really did feel like a kid again :-) Daddy and I ate, laughed, talked about the past and the future. And then I took him for a tour of the church. This was such a sweet time.
Daddy dropped me off and an Audi picked me up. I received two dozen gorgeous roses and was set off for a trip to demolish my absolute favorite dessert in the world, "krokenbourch" (found at Spot Coffee House.)! We went and kidnapped another good friend and we spent the evening talking about several Bible topics of interest and then we talked about singleness! At the end of the evening, my friends had told me how much they absolutely adored me (ok one of them did that--the other tried to make me cry) and how they want "me back." It was the best gift ever. Knowing that they loved me so much they wanted me to get over the things that were holding me back--I agreed w/their logic and their insight. It was an absolutely hysterical time of fun w/my friends.
y arrives, (Birthday over) and I lounged around all day until I decided what it was I actually wanted to do. A girlfriend offered to run away to Canada w/me for the day and take me to Kelsey's (another favorite restaurant of mine) or do whatever I wanted for the day. Well, I decided I wanted to go to the day spa and get a pedicure. Problem was...it was 4 pm by the time I made this decision. (Long story which makes for another great post at a later date.) We finally found somewhere that would fit us in and we primped, parafinned and polished! Then at night it was off to dinner w/another great friend filled w/sarcasm, laughter and reminiscing.
Sunday night came (it is now the 5th!) and I spent time w/3 of the most incredible teen girls I know, along w/one of my favorite women and another one of my dearest friends. We talked about amazing things of God and His wonderful work in all of us while eating deliciously, sloppy subs. When each of us were done sharing and we were ready to depart, I shared how I could celebrate my singleness due to my relationships w/each of them. If I were involved in a relationship or married--there would be no sleep overs, there wouldn't be these "off the cuff" get-togethers and all the "midnight calls." It was such a beautiful time of Titus 2:3-5!!!!! All glory to God.
As you have read, I have been completely spoiled w/dinner dates, gifts and many special moments. As I reflect back at the "week of celebration," I can't help but realize just how loved I am.....So Loved.... This is going to be a beautiful year. I am so loved-always have been-just had to look at God again to see it!
If you have made it to the end of this, you too must really love me to care so much as to what I would have to say. Thank you for being a part of my life that the Lord knows you'll bring/share w/me. :-)
The Lord made it a point to show you how much you are loved not just by your friends but by Him. You truly are His princess! :-)
By the way, nice toes! Is that a flower? --- it looks fun! Must have cost some big bucks! :-)
Love you girl!
you sure ARE loved...look at all that great food you got to eat all week!! I'm glad you had a good birthday celebration week with so many good friends...
Glad you enjoyed your Birthday!
so when my hubby leaves me on my 18th wedding anniversary, can we all pretend it is my birthday, and that I am single too? I am so jealous!!! Unless of course you gained a hundred pounds from all that food!
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