So the blogging journey begins. How to blog and bring honor and glory to God. My goal as a daughter of the king (which makes me a Princess) will be to uncover the intimacy of knowing, loving, abiding & trusting in Him. But first we need to uncover a few things like Who is God? and Who am I in Him? As well as how do you become a vessel unto honor--as his Perfect Word states--"Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, & another unto dishonour?" I'll use the KJV 1611 version of the Bible, Abiding in Christ (Murray), His Princess-love letters from your king (Shepherd), Trusting God (Bridges) & my own personal experiences as references for this study. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

In the Waiting....

These are lyrics to a song that a friend sent to me. May they minister to your hearts as they do to mine!!!


David and Jacque Woods said...

I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU!!!!...... just thought ide let you know :)

jen said...

where's the pomegranate????

Christina said...

I have not completed all the "internal" research to post it yet.